
1329 Barton Rd., Ste. A, Redlands, CA 92373

Having missing teeth can be devastating. At Duo Dental Group, we strive to provide the best possible opportunities for your smile by offering dental implants in Redlands, California. These long-lasting dental restorations are designed to replicate real teeth in both appearance and functionality. Give us a call at 909-748-6466 and schedule a consultation with our dentists, Dr. Jeonghyeon Bryan Yoon or Dr. Julia Park.

Dental implants offer a remarkable solution for individuals dealing with missing teeth, providing not just aesthetic improvement but also restoring functionality and oral health. Crafted with precision and durability, dental implants stand out as a stable, long-lasting and permanent solution for your oral health and smile.

Dental implants consist of the implant post and the implant restoration. The implant post, often likened to an artificial root, is typically crafted from titanium, a biocompatible material. This post is surgically inserted into the jawbone to replace your tooth roots, where it integrates seamlessly over time, serving as a sturdy foundation for the restoration. This post performs all the same functions as your tooth roots to keep your supporting bone healthy and help your teeth remain stable.

On the other hand, the implant restoration replaces the crowns of the missing teeth. It is meticulously designed to replicate the appearance and function of your natural tooth. Custom-made to blend seamlessly with your existing smile, the restoration restores both your confidence and ability to chew and speak comfortably. Your implant restoration could be a single crown, a bridge, or a complete or partial denture, depending on how many teeth you are replacing. Our dentists will cap your implant post with this restoration to complete your treatment and finish restoring your smile.

Receiving dental implants will involve a series of appointments. Throughout the process, our experienced dentists will collaborate with you, discussing each stage of treatment and ensuring your oral health is meticulously monitored. We prioritize patient education and encourage you to ask questions at any point during your treatment journey, empowering you to make informed decisions about your dental care.

If you are considering dental implants and would like to delve deeper into the details, we welcome you to reach out to our office and schedule a consultation with our dedicated team. Your journey to a restored, radiant smile begins with us.